The ERNEWEIN-HAAS family, master potters for generations, has always valued and has retained the right to extract SOUFFLENHEIM clay, a privilege originally granted by EMPEROR FREDERICK BARBAROSSA the 1st, in 1165.

The ERNEWEIN-HAAS family settled in the village of SOUFFLENHEIM, and throughout the ages they have been shaping clay taken from the HAGUENAU forest, near STRASBOURG. The clay is turned on a wheel using traditional methods, even today. Handles are added one by one to facilitate a good grip on the piece, and the whole is delicately hand painted using colors, shapes and patterns respecting traditions of the Alsace region. Each creation is unique.

Chefs of renowned restaurants throughout the world are not mistaken: they appreciate ERNEWEIN-HAAS pottery due to its ability to accentuate natural flavors and to retain them in the food, ready to be enjoyed as a result of slow cooking - characteristics much appreciated by gourmets. This undisputed and unique property of the porous SOUFFLENHEIM clay has brought fame to the local culture.

ERNEWEIN-HAAS pottery is highly resistant to high temperatures, and complies with the standards of modern cuisine. Compatible with any type of professional or domestic oven, ERNEWEIN-HAAS products are also safe for both the dishwasher and the microwave oven. They are the result of ongoing research combining tradition and modernity much to the delight of those who appreciate authenticity.

For parties and special occasions like weddings, christenings and anniversaries, ERNEWEIN-HAAS pottery can create custom orders for specific gifts. Constant available stock also allows ERNEWEIN-HAAS to fill orders for professionals in large quantities
With years of experience on which to build and improve, quality and customer satisfaction in ERNEWEIN-HAAS pottery has remained immutable. Potters both, father and son Jean-Louis and Jonathan ERNEWEIN-HAAS reveal some of their secrets, and the extent of their expertise on their website, newly created for this purpose. They are delighted to be able to welcome you there and share food culture and great recipes with you.



beurrier rouge fleur boule

Reference : beurbou

Price : 23.42 € All taxes included





tasse à déjeuner bleu marine trois points

Reference : tadejbmtrpoi

Price : 12.60 € All taxes included





Chope à bière bleu vert cigogne 50cl

Reference : chobbvcig

Price : 16.38 € All taxes included





terrinen°0bleu ciel oies 7,5L 10pers 40cm

Reference : ter0bcoie

Price : 104.06 € All taxes included





assiettes plates bleu vert coeur

Reference : asspbvc

Price : 13.02 € All taxes included





terrine foie gras pm rouge coeur fleur pour 500g

Reference : terfoiegrpmrcf

Price : 29.40 € All taxes included





Poulet à la bière (2 poulets)

Recettes POULET A LA Bière ou canard à l’orange double ou simple Préparer le poulet ,poivrer,saler . Avec un pinceau badigeonner avec de la moutarde. Mettre de la bière blonde ou Brune ou Rousse ou Variante vin rouge avec des épices, vin blanc, (...)


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Idées cadeaux personalisé

Vous pouvez nous contacter pour toutes vos demandes. Exemples Plat mariage Plat mariage judo Plat mariage Plat tarte flambée Plat personnalisé cheval Plat Indien Cheval Allongement Plat St Martin Plat Hiboux Plat Armoiries Plaque Armoiries Plat (...)


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Coq au Riesling

Pour 4 personnes : 1 coq d’1kg500 50g de beurre 5 cl d’huile 100g d’échalotes 1 gousse d’ail 3 dl de Riesling 1 branche de thym 100g de mousserons 100g de girolles 1 dl de crème fraîche 20g de farine sel poivre. Couper le coq en morceaux. Les faire dorer de tous les côtes dans le mélange beurre-huile. Les réserver. A leur place, faire (...)


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